Why we do what we do

Why we do what we do

Why we do what we do

Born in the Attention Economy

We live in an attention economy where technology giants have learned to capitalize on people's engagement. In this new reality, the thoughtful reader has unknowingly become the most desired commodity in the advertising market.

Due to competition, companies are trapped in a high-speed race to create good content, and despite our belief that stories are the best way to engage with others, they are worthless without the proper distribution.

Economic instability and inflation have caused companies to be more selective about what they spend their budget on. They often switch their competitive efforts to the bottom of the sales funnel while completely neglecting the top.

It's All About Being Different

Finding a balance between performance and brand marketing has become a top priority for today's marketers. Succeeding in this takes more planning and strategy, now that media choices have expanded so much.

This trend is impressive and frightening because every new dollar spent on marketing communications increases the price that communications agencies charge for their services.

Simplicity Is Still not Enough

Companies that have realized that performance marketing can close deals and generate sales and that brand marketing can keep the brand at the forefront of customers' minds have lined up to find partners to help build the brand.

Contractors' poor technical skills, inefficiencies in collecting and processing big data, and lack of market transparency have incentivized traditional agencies to maintain the status quo for decades.

Change was inevitable.

We Are Determined to Solve This Problem

Medialister helps businesses get more out of paid communications and waste less on digital resources. At its core is a marketplace of more than 100,000 media outlets worldwide. Enriched with big data on audience, traffic sources, and other metrics that characterize the quality of placements, the platform provides clients with easy, straightforward ways to share their brand with audiences worldwide, without incurring significant costs for digital resources.

Sustainability is embedded in our project's DNA. We save time and resources by favoring innovation over manual labor.

What Are We ⊙ Aiming for?

Medialister works closely with news media editorial teams to offer them quality stories from brands and stable alternative revenue streams. This provides market transparency and insight into where the media budget can operate efficiently.

Our top priority involves bridging the gap between brands' unmet need for extensive media coverage and news outlets' need for alternative revenue streams.

These principles help us accelerate business processes and improve the quality of life for end consumers by unlocking the veil of mystery about new quality products and services from manufacturers worldwide.

Medialister works closely with news media editorial teams to offer them quality stories from brands and stable alternative revenue streams. This provides market transparency and insight into where the media budget can operate efficiently.

Our top priority involves bridging the gap between brands' unmet need for extensive media coverage and news outlets' need for alternative revenue streams.

These principles help us accelerate business processes and improve the quality of life for end consumers by unlocking the veil of mystery about new quality products and services from manufacturers worldwide.

Medialister works closely with news media editorial teams to offer them quality stories from brands and stable alternative revenue streams. This provides market transparency and insight into where the media budget can operate efficiently.

Our top priority involves bridging the gap between brands' unmet need for extensive media coverage and news outlets' need for alternative revenue streams.

These principles help us accelerate business processes and improve the quality of life for end consumers by unlocking the veil of mystery about new quality products and services from manufacturers worldwide.

The Best Part of All of This?

We offer free access to the platform simply because we believe in the power of community and the synergy of co-op.

Join us as an advertiser or publisher; we'll improve the world together.